ECAs are shrouded in secrecy
Governments publicly disclose very little — if any — information about the projects they support through ECAs. While many ECAs claim to adhere to the OECD’s due diligence and transparency recommendations, these guidelines are voluntary and largely ineffective. Only five ECAs have committed to adopting the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
This means governments are keeping the fossil fuel industry afloat without informing their citizens about it. Information about ECA support should be public , as without detailed and timely disclosure, it is impossible to accurately assess the full extent of ECAs' support for fossil fuels.
Campaign resources and updates
COP28: Australia boosts 40+ signatory partnership to end international public finance for fossil fuels
Learn more about ECAs worldwide
South Korea
About us
ECA Watch is a network of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) campaigning for ECA reform. Organizations participating in the campaign include organizations working on issues related to climate, the environment, development, human rights, community rights, labor rights, and anti-corruption.
Since 1996, NGOs from many countries have joined forces in an international campaign to reform ECAs. The goals and demands of the campaign were first described in the Jakarta Declaration for Reform of Official Export Credit and Investment Insurance Agencies.
More recently, over 250 organizations back groundbreaking efforts by OECD countries to end $41 billion a year in fossil fuel finance.