Join our side event at COP26
November 4, 2021 in Glasglow
At COP26 on November 4, 2021, 16.45-18.00 Glasgow time representatives from NGOs and Zurich-based universities will host a digital side event on aligning export finance with the Paris Agreement. Contrary to Article 2.1c of the Paris Agreement, many countries heavily support fossil fuel investments abroad, contributing to carbon lock-in. By highlighting the impacts caused by export finance in the Global South, this side event will provide concrete recommendations for decarbonizing export finance.
The speakers on the panel are Axel Michaelowa (University of Zurich); Kate DeAngelis (Friends of the Earth US); Bjarne Steffen (ETH Zurich); Laila Darouich (Perspectives Climate Research); Ayumi Fukakusa (Friends of the Earth Japan); Richard Matey (Alliance for Empowering Rural Communities, Ghana) ; Julio Bichehe (Farmers Union Cabo Delgado Mozambique); and Mariane Søndergaard-Jensen (Danish ECA, EKF, Denmark).
To attend the side event digitally, please register using the form. We’ll keep you updated on when and where the event will take place.
Important: you will need to be registered at COP26 to be able to join the event.